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About Telling Stories

Listening, Understanding, and Giving Voice

Telling Stories shines a light on the patient experience for patients to feel less alone, for caretakers to gather strength, and for healthcare workers to gain insights on what being a patient truly means.

Navigating a serious illness can often be a very lonely and isolating experience.

"Your Medical Communications class was a huge hit. Even if some of the stories (testimonies) had distressing elements, the message was encouraging and affirming. And you are an excellent speaker! Thank you so much for all your time, interest, and effort."
Judy Ringle, PhD
Board of Directors and Past-Chair, Academy for Lifelong Learning

While each person’s story is different and unique to that individual, there are also common events that can occur, regardless of the illness, whether it’s:

  • Difficulties with getting a Diagnosis
  • Communicating with the Physician
  • Coordinating Care
  • Finding Support Systems

It’s time to shine a light and take these individual experiences and share them with others so patients can feel less alone, caregivers can gather new strength, and healthcare workers can develop a deeper appreciation of the patient experience.

Join me as I weave interviews with patients into a narrative of the patient journey from diagnosis through treatment and recovery. The collective voices provide the emotional power and incentive to make a better path.

Laurie Reed, Author, Speaker and Guide to Telling Stories to Change Lives

Listening, distilling, and giving voice to the concerns of others are the skills Laurie Reed developed over 20 years of marketing research for two leading international companies. Laurie holds a Master’s of Science degree and a Certificate in Patient Advocacy, both from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Throughout her years of professional experience in media communications and healthcare, it has been Laurie’s primary passion to ensure representation of the voice of the customer in strategic planning, decision-making, and policy.

Navigating the Patient Experience

Telling Stories to Change Lives provides information on the patient experience for yourself or for someone you care for as a caregiver, a friend, or a healthcare worker.

Where is the medical accountability in Healthcare?

Published: The Gazette-Times on Medical Accountability

In a recent Op/Ed for the Gazette-Times, I outline the difficulties Phil encountered when obtaining care for a severed quadricep tendon.
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Published: Failure to Thrive

Published: Failure to Thrive

I am thrilled to announce The Examined Life Journal chose to publish my essay in their most recent issue.
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Opinion: Medical mishaps are shockingly common in U.S. hospitals. It happened to my husband.

Published: The San Diego Union-Tribune Op-Ed on Medical Mishaps

My recent Op/Ed in the San Diego Union-Tribune highlights opportunities to improve on the delivery of healthcare here in the United States.
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Sharing Patient Stories

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Navigating the Patient Experience

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